
Twitter Embedded Timeline

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An embedded timeline provides an easy way to embed multiple Tweets on your website in a compact, single-column view. Display the latest Tweets from a single Twitter account, multiple accounts, or tap into the worldwide conversation around a topic grouped in a search result. Refer embedded timeline documentation for details. You can also customize the timeline widget appearance as per your needs. There are four types of Twitter timelines available:


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User Timeline

Search Timeline

use kartik\social\TwitterPlugin;

 * If any parameters are not passed, the widget will use settings from the 
 * social module wherever possible. For example `screenname` will
 * be referred from the module settings for the example below.
// User Timeline
echo TwitterPlugin::widget([
    'type' => TwitterPlugin::TIMELINE, 
    // 'screenName' => '<picked-from-module-or-can-be-set-here>',
    'settings' => ['widget-id' => '<your-widget-id>'],
    'options' => ['height'=>'350', 'width'=>'500']

// Search Timeline
echo TwitterPlugin::widget([
    'type' => TwitterPlugin::TIMELINE, 
    'settings' => ['widget-id' => '<your-widget-id>'],
    'timelineConfig' => ['search' => '#bootstrap'],
    'options' => ['height'=>'350', 'width'=>'500']


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visitors to Krajee Yii2 Demos since 22-May-2017