
DynaGrid Demo

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This is a demo of the advanced kartik\dynagrid\DynaGrid widget. Click the Personalize button below to personalize and save your grid view settings (the storage is set to session for the demo). Pjax is enabled for the grid for the demo. You can refer the configured for the demo. Note that a couple of columns have been set initially with visible property to false. Also check certain columns being fixed to the left and right in the setup.


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Showing 1-10 of 20 items.
* The table header sticks to the top in this demo as you scroll
#NameColorAuthorBuy Amount ($)Sell Amount ($)StatusActions
1On the Road   orangeJack Kerouac150.00184.99Inactive
2To Kill a Mockingbird    orangeHarper Lee79.0098.50Inactive
3Ulysses   greenJames Joyce69.0098.50Inactive
4Beloved   greenToni Morrison130.00154.99Inactive
5The Sound and the Fury   brownWilliam Faulkner106.00125.50Active
6The Catcher in the Rye   redJ. D. Salinger105.00125.50Active
7Catch-22   cyanJoseph Heller85.00105.50Active
8Lolita   pinkVladimir Nabokov58.0085.50Active
9Nineteen Eighty-Four   orangeGeorge Orwell79.0098.50Active
10Lord of the Flies   redWilliam Golding169.00188.50Active
 Page Total  1,030.001,265.98   


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visitors to Krajee Yii2 Demos since 22-May-2017