
Group Grid Demo #1

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Example showing the grouping of grid data for a single column that is pre-sorted. Note that the extension can group columns, irrespective of the position of the column in the grid (second column in this example). This example also demonstrates grouping on a related field from another table. It also includes an advanced scenario of using \kartik\grid\FormulaColumn to calculate the Amount value.


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Showing 1-20 of 77 items.
Grid Grouping Example 1
#SupplierCategoryProduct NameUnit PriceUnits In StockAmount In Stock
1Forts d'rablesCondimentsSirop d'rable28.501133,220.50
2Forts d'rablesConfectionsTarte au sucre49.3017838.10
3Gai pturageDairy ProductsRaclette Courdavault55.00794,345.00
4Gai pturageDairy ProductsCamembert Pierrot34.0019646.00
5Escargots NouveauxSeafoodEscargots de Bourgogne13.2562821.50
6Pasta Buttini s.r.l.Grains/CerealsRavioli Angelo19.5036702.00
7Pasta Buttini s.r.l.Grains/CerealsGnocchi di nonna Alice38.0021798.00
8Ma MaisonMeat/PoultryTourtire7.4521156.45
9Ma MaisonMeat/PoultryPt chinois24.001152,760.00
10G'day, MateGrains/CerealsFilo Mix7.0038266.00
11G'day, MateMeat/PoultryPerth Pasties32.8000.00
12G'day, MateProduceManjimup Dried Apples53.00201,060.00
13Karkki OyBeveragesLakkalikri18.00571,026.00
14Karkki OyConfectionsMaxilaku20.0010200.00
15Karkki OyConfectionsValkoinen suklaa16.25651,056.25
16Zaanse SnoepfabriekConfectionsZaanse koeken9.5036342.00
17Zaanse SnoepfabriekConfectionsChocolade12.7515191.25
19LyngbysildSeafoodRogede sild9.50547.50
20Leka TradingBeveragesIpoh Coffee46.0017782.00
   Page Summary25.2984120,398.55
echo GridView::widget([
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'filterModel' => $searchModel,
    'showPageSummary' => true,
    'pjax' => true,
    'striped' => true,
    'hover' => true,
    'panel' => ['type' => 'primary', 'heading' => 'Grid Grouping Example'],
    'toggleDataContainer' => ['class' => 'btn-group mr-2 me-2'],
    'columns' => [
        ['class' => 'kartik\grid\SerialColumn'],
            'attribute' => 'supplier_id', 
            'width' => '310px',
            'value' => function ($model, $key, $index, $widget) { 
                return $model->supplier->company_name;
            'filterType' => GridView::FILTER_SELECT2,
            'filter' => ArrayHelper::map(Suppliers::find()->orderBy('company_name')->asArray()->all(), 'id', 'company_name'), 
            'filterWidgetOptions' => [
                'pluginOptions' => ['allowClear' => true],
            'filterInputOptions' => ['placeholder' => 'Any supplier'],
            'group' => true,  // enable grouping
            'attribute' => 'category_id', 
            'width' => '250px',
            'value' => function ($model, $key, $index, $widget) { 
                return $model->category->category_name;
            'filterType' => GridView::FILTER_SELECT2,
            'filter' => ArrayHelper::map(Categories::find()->orderBy('category_name')->asArray()->all(), 'id', 'category_name'), 
            'filterWidgetOptions' => [
                'pluginOptions' => ['allowClear' => true],
            'filterInputOptions' => ['placeholder' => 'Any category']
            'attribute' => 'product_name',
            'pageSummary' => 'Page Summary',
            'pageSummaryOptions' => ['class' => 'text-right text-end'],
            'attribute' => 'unit_price',
            'width' => '150px',
            'hAlign' => 'right',
            'format' => ['decimal', 2],
            'pageSummary' => true,
            'pageSummaryFunc' => GridView::F_AVG
            'attribute' => 'units_in_stock',
            'width' => '150px',
            'hAlign' => 'right',
            'format' => ['decimal', 0],
            'pageSummary' => true
            'class' => 'kartik\grid\FormulaColumn',
            'header' => 'Amount In Stock',
            'value' => function ($model, $key, $index, $widget) { 
                $p = compact('model', 'key', 'index');
                return $widget->col(4, $p) * $widget->col(5, $p);
            'mergeHeader' => true,
            'width' => '150px',
            'hAlign' => 'right',
            'format' => ['decimal', 2],
            'pageSummary' => true


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visitors to Krajee Yii2 Demos since 22-May-2017