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The yii2-social module provides access to social plugins and social APIs for Yii Framework 2.0. It includes support for embedding plugins from the following networks into your website:
  • Disqus
  • Facebook
  • Google Plus
  • Google Analytics
  • Twitter
  • VKontakte
  • GitHub


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The GithubXPlugin widget is based on unofficial github buttons by @ntkme and supports these parameters.
  • type: string, the Github plugin type to render. These can be one of the following values:

    • GithubXPlugin::WATCH: string, for embedding the Github watch button.

    • GithubXPlugin::STAR: string, for embedding the Github star button.

    • GithubXPlugin::FORK: string, for embedding the Github fork button.

    • GithubXPlugin::ISSUE: string, for embedding the Github issue button.

    • GithubXPlugin::DOWNLOAD: string, for embedding the Github download button.

    • GithubXPlugin::FOLLOW: string, for embedding the Github follow button.

  • user: string, the Github user name.

  • repo: string, the Github repository name.

  • showCount: boolean, whether to show counts for the button if applicable.

  • label: string, the button label to display.

  • settings: array, the configuration options for each github plugin setup as key value pairs. Refer the Github plugin documentation for details on configuring each plugin. The properties supported are:

    • href: string, GitHub link for the button.

    • data-style: string, controls the size of the button. One of default or mega.

    • data-icon: string, the octicon for the button. It will be autogenerated if not set. All available icons can be found at Octicons.

    • data-count-href: string, GitHub link for the count. It defaults to href value (generated from repo and `user` name). Relative url will be relative to href value. It will be autogenerated if not set.

    • data-count-api: string, GitHub API endpoint for the count. It will be autogenerated if not set.

  • options: array, the HTML attributes for the main plugin. The data api attributes in this array will be automatically set based on the settings configuration.

  • tag: string, the tag of the container rendering the plugin. Defaults to div.

  • noscript: string/boolean, text to be displayed if browser does not support javascript. If set to false will not displayed. Defaults to Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by google.

  • noscriptOptions: array, the HTML attributes for the noscript message container. Defaults to ['class' => 'alert alert-danger']

NOTE You can configure the GithubXPlugin settings once at the social module configuration level, for defaulting it across your application, and skip it in your widget calls. For example.
// your module config
'modules' => [
    'social' => [
        // the module class
        'class' => 'kartik\social\Module',

        // the global settings for the github widget
        'githubX' => [
            'settings' => ['user'=>'GITHUB_USER_ID']

// your call in your view/layout file
echo GithubXPlugin::widget(['repo'=>'GITHUB_REPO_ID']); // will use the GitHub settings configured in module
Click one of the Github plugin links below to view details and demo for the plugin

yii2-social is released under the BSD-3-Clause License. See the bundled for details.


You can now visit the Krajee Webtips Q & A forum for searching OR asking questions OR helping programmers with answers on these extensions and plugins. For asking a question click here. Select the appropriate question category (i.e. Krajee Plugins) and choose this current page plugin in the question related to field.

The comments and discussion section below are intended for generic discussions or feedback for this plugin. Developers may not be able to search or lookup here specific questions or tips on usage for this plugin.

visitors to Krajee Yii2 Demos since 22-May-2017